The University of Bologna, Lead Partner of the Adriseismic project, was founded in 1088 and it is recognized as one of the most important institutions of higher education in the world. The research group, coordinated by prof. Simona Tondelli, belongs to the Department of Architecture and it is deeply involved in the integration of sustainability principles as well as seismic vulnerability evaluations of aggregates of buildings into urban planning.

The skills of the Unibo group

The research team brings together skills in urban planning and architectural engineering for the assessment of seismic vulnerability at building and urban scale. The Urban Planning group has expertise in the development of spatial planning methodologies, tools and assessment methods. The Architectural Engineering group deals with the evaluation of seismic vulnerability of masonry historic buildings and seismic prevention of building aggregates. They collaborate to integrate seismic vulnerability evaluations and sustainability principles into urban planning.

An opportunity to tackle seismic vulnerability in Adrion region

The Adriseismic project represents the opportunity to tackle seismic vulnerability, by harmonize the anti-seismic standards in the Adrion region, thanks to the comparison of the rules and practices used in the various contexts, improving prevention and interventions in case of an earthquake occurs.