The Adriseismic working group held two online meetings, on 10 June and 20 July, to discuss the first results and to share the roadmap of the project.
Periodic remote meeting #3, 10th June 2020, the roadmap of the project
The third meeting of the Adriseismic project took place remotely on the 10th of June 2020.
The meeting focuses on the main technical Work Packages, and WP Leaders presented the roadmap and the main deadlines for the first project semester.
Periodic remote meeting #4, 20th July 2020, good news from Adriseismic
Project activities are ongoing and the progress have been shown during the fourth periodic meeting, organised by project partners on the 20th of July 2020.
The meeting started with the presentation of Rizomedia, the group of external experts that will support the Lead Partner Unibo in the communication and dissemination activities of the project. Updates on the Technical WPs have been shared as well, and Zag, Unibo and Iiple, respectively leader of WPT1, WPT2 and WPT3 presented the preliminary results of the partners’ work.