During the last online Adriseismic meeting many updates were presented by the leaders of the Work package 2, with a focus on the Case study in Piazza Puntoni, Bologna.

In the context of the definition of a shared procedure for the rapid assessment of seismic vulnerability, Adriseismic carried out knowledge activities and detailed studies on masonry and RC buildings in recent months.

After an initial period of analysis on the state of the art in the countries involved in the project; which covered:

– Construction techniques

– Intervention techniques

– Existing assessment methods

The Project partner University of Bologna is now trying to elaborate a first hypothesis of approach. WPT2 leader will compare the preliminary results obtained in this phase with those obtained with traditional procedures. Thanks to that Unibo will receive feedback on the validity of the hypotheses. At the same time, Unibo carried out a survey campaign on the case study chosen for the city of Bologna, which are the buildings on Piazza Puntoni. Thanks to the survey Adriseismic will define the most suitable survey method for evaluation procedure

The video presentation of the Adriseismic updates from WPT2

In the video the updates made in the last period on the WPT2.