Unibo and Iiple, the Italian partners of Adriseismic project, organized the third local workshop on 2 March 2022. The WPT1 workshop has been held online.

The stakeholders and the discussion rooms

All the stakeholders involved participated to the previous local events. Unibo (University of Bologna), Univpm (Marche University), Unipr (University of Parma) and Techinicians and professionals.

In addition, the discussion among a smaller group of people contributed to reach a high level of engagement. All of the stakeholders had the opportunity to express their opinions without time constraints. 

The first activity of the Italian local Workshop

The first activity of the workshop presented the outcomes and the wrap up of the discussion about the collection of good practices for Italy. The main trends and core aspects were summarized according to the different categories identified with the purpose of identifying other additional aspects and eventually some threats. Stakeholders had the opportunity to provide more feedback on this enriching the analysis.

The second activity of the Workshop

The second activity was about the assessment of replicability and scalability of the good practices collected at project level. Stakeholders evaluated their replicability as “possible” in the Italian context the three examples presented. Furthermore, attendees have been asked to express their opinions about the most suitable scale to implement them. For the three good practices selected the identified scale was the regional one with the necessity to tailor them at local level. 

The third part of the Adriseismic Italian Workshop

The last part of the workshop explored the insurance topic. Participants did not have any experience in the field. Many starting points for further reflections have been highlighted based on their expertise. In detail, the major obstacle identified is that the Italian State pays for the reconstruction or restoration of buildings destroyed by earthquakes. It is, actually, the most impacting disincentive for private owners to stipulate an insurance contract. Insurances could also become a disincentive for adopting seismic improvement interventions and that should be avoided. A hypothesis to foster insurance contacts is to make them mandatory for some urban environments only according to certain criteria based on the knowledge of the territory and its peculiar fragilities towards seismic hazard. This evaluation could be linked to the prevention phase and the study of the Limit Condition for Emergency (CLE).