New deliverables of Adreismic’s work packages are available. They concern the technical specifications of the Moodle platform, the reports on study visits and workshops and the WPT3 report on the training modules for the technicians.

Deliverables from WPT3

Moodle platform specifications

Download and read the Moodle platform deliverable

A Moodle platform was designed by the University of Crete in order to host training courses of Adriseismic project. The Moodle platform is developed under WPT3.

Iiple, as supervisor, and all the partners, developed three specific training packages targeted to 3 macro-profiles

  1. practitioners
  2. civil servants
  3. building workers

as well as a training toolkit for volunteers.

The platform will host several modules (courses) related to the educational needs of the target groups.

The platform operates in seven languages (all partners languages plus English) and can be accessed for free clicking this link.

Training package for practitioners

Download and read the Training package for practitioner deliverable

One of the main objectives of Adriseismic project is to improve knowledge and skills of all the figures involved in the seismic retrofitting process, by enhancing the competences at local level. Therefore, there is the need to enhance competences of all the actors involved in the seismic retrofitting process at local level.

The present report describes the approach and the structure of the training package for practitioners developed by Iiple (as leader of the work package) and the partners of the Adriseismic project aiming at enhancing skills required in the implementation of vulnerability assessment and seismic retrofitting.

Report on the second WPT3 workshop

Download and read the Report on workshop 3.2 deliverable

he deliverable pages presents the main considerations concerning the work done in WPT3 and obtained through the second series of local workshops.

The Covid-19 pandemic affected the modality of all the Adriseismic local workshops. The introduction provides an overview of the main objectives of the workshops by considering the events organized by all Pps, as well as highlights the points of convergence and divergence in their organization and outcomes.

Deliverable from WPT2

Download and read the WPT2 2nd local workshop

The deliverable pages shows the main considerations concerning the work done in WPT2 and obtained through the second series of local workshops.

The Deliverables on the study visits

Two deliverables presents the study visits held in the third semester of the project in Italy and Albania.

Report on the Italian study visit

The event took place online on September 8, 2021 in blended mode – Unibo (Bologna, Italy)

Click here to download the Italian study visit Bologna deliverable

Report on the Albanian study visit

The event took place online on July 15, 2021 online – the city of Gjirokaster (Albania)

Click here to download the Albanian study visit Gjirokaster deliverable