New deliverables of Adreismic’s work packages are available. In particular, the results of the second and third series of local workshops are reported.
Adriseismic Deliverable T 1.3.2 – Report on Workshop 1.2
Discussing and tailoring the common reference framework of norms and incentives.
Download here the DT.1.3.2_Second series local workshop_WPT1
The second series of local workshops have been organised in each Partners’ Country in the period from June 2021 to February 2022 (Semester III-V). The dissemination aimed at presenting the project objectives, recent results and the future plans/ outcomes foreseen during the project lifetime to the local stakeholders. The local workshops also aimed at engaging relevant stakeholders (e.g., public authorities, sectorial agencies, higher education and research institutes, training centers, SMEs) and the AP in specific activities and needs related to each of the three WPT.
In this respect, for what concerns the WPT1, the local workshop has served for detailed review of the collection of norms and incentives for seismic vulnerability retrofitting as well as to emphasize some shortcomings related to this topic. The topics addressed were: seismic norms, building regulation, urban planning regulation, seismic incentive frameworks, post-earthquake planning and insurance against earthquake.
Adriseismic Deliverable T 1.3.3 – Report on Workshop 1.3
Defining the main contents of roadmaps
Download here the DT1.3.3_Third series local workshop WPT1
The third series of local workshops have been organised in each Partners’ Country in the period from January to March 2022 (Semester V). The dissemination aimed at presenting the project objectives, recent results and the future plans/ outcomes foreseen during the project lifetime to the local stakeholders. The local workshops also aimed at engaging relevant stakeholders (e.g., public authorities, sectorial agencies, higher education and research institutes, training centers, SMEs) and the AP in specific activities and needs related to each of the three WPT.
In this respect, for what concerns the WPT1, the local workshop has served to review the collected good practices and evaluate their potential of replicability and scalability, and thus define the main contents of the roadmaps.
Adriseismic Deliverable T 2.3.4 – Report on Workshop 2.3
Validating and discussing the outcomes of the application of methods for seismic vulnerability retrofitting within the case studies.
Download here the DT.2.3.4_Deliverable 3rd local workshop_WPT2_with annex
The third series of local workshops were organized by the partner during the first months of 2022 (semester V). The overall objective of the Workshop was to share the progress made and the overall feedback collected within the framework of the research carried out. Furthermore, the possibility of direct discussion with the stakeholders made it possible to gather numerous insights and to validate, where necessary, the defined process.
In this respect, for what concerns WPT2, the workshop was structured to discuss and show stakeholders the expeditious seismic assessment method defined during the project. Whenever possible, concrete examples (pilot cases) and the results of the ongoing validation were provided. it was recommended to the partners to divide the event into two parts: a first phase to update the participants and illustrate all project-related information, and a second part dedicated to discussion.
Adriseismic Deliverable T 3.3.3 – Report on Workshop 3.3
Validating the training programmes for building workers
Download here theDT3.3.3 Third series local workshop WPT3_with annex
The aim of the local workshop was to validate the training programmes for building workers with stakeholders. The report includes the description and outcomes of the 3rd series of local workshops that each partner organized locally. The report describes the methodology applied for stakeholder engagement and is structured in 6 chapters (one for each Adriseismic country), reporting the results of the workshops and the contribution of stakeholders to Adriseismic activities.